Jomo Mutegi
Jomo W. Mutegi is an associate professor of science education at IUPUI and principal investigator of the (ES)2 STEM Learning Lab. His research aims to first, better understand and disrupt systemic racism in the STEM education of people of African descent; and second, advance practical curriculum for STEM learners.
Guided by the counsel of Amos Wilson, who reminds us that "The function of education is to secure the survival of a people," Mutegi works through the (ES)2 STEM Learning Lab to conduct research and create educational materials aimed at securing the survival of African people. This work includes K-12 curriculum development; production of science-related children’s books: K-12 teacher professional development; STEM program evaluation; and diversity, equity and inclusion consultation. To learn more about the (ES)2 STEM Learning Lab, visit www.ES2RP.org.
His research appears in several respected journals, including Journal of Research in Science Teaching, Science Education, Teachers College Record and The Science Teacher. An active member in the National Association of Research in Science Teaching, the American Educational Research Association and the Indiana Evaluation Association, Mutegi has received over $3.6 million in external grant funding.