Shelly Engelman
Shelly Engelman, Ph.D., is the Director of Research and Evaluation at Custom Edu Eval LLC in Austin, TX. She earned her PhD in Social Psychology and has over 15 years of research and evaluation experience. Dr. Engelman has been a lead evaluator, data analyst and social science methodologist on over 40 federal and state funded grants and programs. She has a strong knowledge of evaluation and research methodology and theory, as well as an expertise in survey design and advanced statistical modeling techniques (e.g., Structural Equation Modeling, Propensity Score Matching, etc.). Dr. Engelman has led over 30 workshops, seminars, and demonstrations for a variety of clients including, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Governor’s Office of Student Achievement (GOSA), and the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin). Prior to working as an evaluation and research consultant, Dr. Engelman taught an array of undergraduate courses at the University of Delaware, such as Research Methods, Statistics, and Social Psychology.